  • Kurilpa Community Childcare Centre Inc
  • 07 3844 4672 //

    Kurilpa offers a Qld Gov Kindergarten approved program
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Health & Safety

Health and Safety is of the utmost importance at Kurilpa and we follow all regulations set down by all relevant legislation. Team members take all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of any infection (eg wearing gloves, hand-washing and following disinfecting routines) and take extreme care to ensure the environment is both safe and secure for your child/ren.


A sleep or quiet rest is an essential part of the centre’s program. During this time the lights are turned out, quiet music is played and the team sometimes pat children off to sleep. No child is forced to sleep. After a rest, children who do not sleep are able to do quiet activities. We base the duration of sleeping times on research and development of children’s requirements according to each age group. Any issues in regards to rest-time please speak to your child’s educators.

Incidents & Accidents

As a result of children acquiring their physical and social skills, incidents and accidents do sometimes occur. In all instances team members will take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety and care of the child. If your child has a minor incident at the centre, team members will apply first aid, record the incident and advise you of the incident when you collect your child.

In the case of serious illness or accident involving a child, we will seek medical assistance (if necessary) and notify you immediately. In addition, all contact team members have qualifications in First Aid, CPR, anaphylactic, fire and asthma training.


Kurilpa requires a photocopy of your child’s immunisation records upon enrolment. You are also required to notify us when your child has had further vaccinations to keep our records up-to-date.

Sick Children

Children who are sick need to be kept at home. If your child becomes ill at the centre we will ring you and we expect you to come promptly to pick-up your child. It is suggested that you arrange for emergency care to cover those times your child is unable to attend the centre because of ill-health.

Parents need to notify the centre if their child contracts any infectious disease, stating the disease and the name of the doctor who diagnosed it. Children with an infectious disease must be kept away from the centre for the recommended exclusion period. A certificate from their doctor stating that the disease or condition is no longer infectious may be required before the child can return to the centre. Please refer to ‘Exclusion times for infectious childhood conditions’ (Queensland Government).

If your child has been hospitalised, a doctor’s certificate may be required, providing details of the illness, details of any ongoing treatment and stating that your child is well enough to return to childcare.

Children are to be kept away from the centre for at least the first 24 hours if they are taking a course of antibiotics or commencing new medication, to ensure that they are well enough to manage in a group care setting and to monitor any side-effects.


If your child has a temperature higher than 38 degrees you will need to collect them from the centre. A temperature is often the first sign of a viral or bacterial infection. It is important to investigate the cause of all fevers, both to treat the individual child and to prevent the spread of infectious illness.

Team members can administer one dose of paracetamol while you are on your way to the centre if you have given permission on your enrolment form. If your child requires paracetamol in the morning before they come to Kurilpa, they are not well enough to attend.


Meal times at Kurilpa are a lovely opportunity to share conversations while enjoying a healthy vegetarian meal. Kurilpa employs a cook who prepares fresh meals every day for lunch, morning and afternoon tea. All meals provided are vegetarian and nutritious. The weekly menu is displayed near the kitchen. If your child has a food allergy or requires a special diet please inform the Director before your child commences at the centre. More information can be found in Kitchen & Meals, including this week’s menu and recent events in the Kitchen.

Settling in

Leaving your child in a new place, possibly for the first time, can be a difficult situation for both you and your child. You are encouraged to introduce your child to the centre gradually, by visiting before you commence at the centre. Make the first few stays short, gradually increasing the length of visits. We encourage you to develop a simple morning routine with your child. This could include preparing them for play with hat and sunscreen then settling into an activity with them.

A team member will assist you if your child is unsettled. It is important not to give your child mixed messages at this time. Say goodbye, reassure them that they will be looked after and that you will be back to get them later. Drawn out goodbyes are distressing for everyone. Your child needs to sense that you are confident they will be well cared for at Kurilpa. If you are finding this part of the day challenging, please talk to your child’s caregivers so you can develop a morning routine together.

After you have settled in your child in the morning, please inform your child’s caregiver that you are leaving. If you are worried, ring the centre during the day to see how your child is, but rest assured we will call you if your child doesn’t settle.

Sun Protection & Clothing

We believe at Kurilpa that it is important to teach children about protecting themselves from the sun. This includes learning from an early age to wear a hat and sunscreen. Parents are asked to ensure their child has sunscreen applied to all areas of exposed skin when coming to Kurilpa. Sunscreen is provided next to the sign-in folders for your convenience.

Parents must supply each child with their own broad brim or legionnaire hat which is clearly named. Parents are also asked to send their children in sun-safe clothing that covers shoulders, is of darker colour, close weave and has a collar. Kurilpa sells both sun-safe hats and short-sleeved t-shirts, displaying the Kurilpa logo – please contact the office for more information.

Emergency Procedures

The children are involved in fire drills once a month. Evacuation routes are on display in each of the rooms in the centre. Once every two years a fire officer comes to observe the centre’s fire drill procedures. The centre also has action plans for natural disasters, such as cyclones and severe storms. Staff also participate in fire safety training.

Behaviour Management Policy

Our Behaviour Management Policy aims to teach the children positive behaviours and have an understanding of how their actions affect themselves and those around them. Team members use strategies to help prevent negative behaviour occurring and use positive strategies to promote desirable behaviour. More information can be found in our Behaviour Management Policy – please contact the office to view a copy of this policy.