Sunday the 30th of October 2016 is National Grandparents day. To explore this tradition we have decided to celebrate the day as Special Persons day. Let’s take this opportunity to thank the people who are special to us and thank them for their continuous love and support.
The Nursery, Toddler, Junior Kindy and Kindergarten rooms will all be joining in on the celebration, so please come along and help us celebrate.
What: Special Person’s Day
Who: Everyone! We are encouraging children to invite someone special to them. Whether that be their parents, grandparents, great aunt or a close friend. if your child doesn’t usually attend on this, please feel free to come along with them to join in on the celebration.
When: Tuesday 8th November 2016 from 3.00pm to 4.30pm
Where: Kindergarten Playground, Kurilpa
RSVP: Please RSVP on the sign above the sign in sheets in the foyer.
The rooms will all be busy cooking and creating for the event in the morning however it would be great if families could please bring along a plate of food to share.
We hope to see you there!