Communication between the team and families about an individual child occurs on a one-to-one basis where possible. However, there are a number of ways that general information is passed on to families about the centre and rooms as a whole.
A weekly newsletter is distributed to all families and includes up to date general information about our centre.
Noticeboards are located outside each room and in the hallway. These are used to provide information to parents as they enter and depart the centre each day. This information can include notices regarding illness in the centre, community information, staff absences, programming information, upcoming events and requests for feedback. Please make sure you check the noticeboards regularly.
Family Pockets
Each family has a communication pocket which is used for paper copies of information such as fundraising information, birthday party invitations etc.
General Meetings, Parent Information Evenings, Social Gatherings
The Management Committee holds two public meetings each year, one being the Annual General Meeting held in late March. At these meetings the President and Treasurer present reports on their association with the running of the centre. Opportunity is given to parents to discuss any topics at these meetings.
Parent information sessions are held at least once a year and provide families with a more in-depth understanding of how the centre’s philosophy is implemented in each room, or guest speakers are invited to present about a particular topic. ‘Move-up’ sessions are held annually (usually around late October) to provide opportunities for families to visit the room that their child will be transitioning into.
Social gatherings such as the Spring and Autumn BBQ are held throughout the year by the Fundraising Committee and provide opportunities for families to connect with each other and with the team in an informal setting.
Portfolios and Centre Journals
Portfolios are kept for each child and are documents that grow with the child. The portfolios move between home and the centre with families, children and team members contributing. As the child moves between rooms the portfolio moves with them, becoming a document that shows their development, interests and experiences at both the centre and in their home life.
Each room keeps a record of what has been occurring in the room in a form of a Room Journal. This reflects the current focus in the room, particular projects or experiences that are of interest. There are also a range of other journals of particular interests, such as: the Connections Journal that documents how the groups interrelate or how siblings interact; or the Philosophy Journal that reflects the philosophy in action in the centre. Families are encouraged to contribute to these documents.