During our meals, the children are encouraged to put the foods that we don’t use into a compost bin. We then take the compost daily to our “compost monster” as we love to refer to it. The children are able to help pour in the food and we discuss how all the food gets broken down and can be put on the ground to help our plants grow.
This morning the children seemed particularly receptive to the discussion and following our composting, we went to spend some time looking at the plants and talking about which ones we liked and how we can nurture them (we use our gentle hands with our plants, we love to water our plants so they grow big).
The children’s natural appreciation for their environment was evident in their calm and focused approach to their surroundings. They crawled and walked up the steps and, on their own initiative, they sat and spent some time looking at the leaves blowing in the breeze and the clouds rolling by. They walked from plant to plant, touching the leaves and responding to the different textures with “ooh’s” and “ahhs”. We feel it’s imperative that our nursery children are able to learn about, have access to and connect with nature. Moments like the ones we shared today simply highlight for us just how meaningful this is for them.