  • Kurilpa Community Childcare Centre Inc
  • 07 3844 4672 //

    Kurilpa offers a Qld Gov Kindergarten approved program
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End of Year Celebration

End of year celebration at Lyons Playground, Paradise St

Kurilpa will be holding its annual end of year break up party on Sunday the 4th of December at 2pm – 4pm in Lyon’s park (also known as Paradise Park) located on Paradise Street in Highgate Hill. This year, we are teaming up with Avid Reader again to pre purchase all of the children’s book for the book swap on the day. Each family will be charged $15 per child for the purchase of the books and they will be handed out at the break up party at 3pm. If you are unable to make it, your child’s book will be available at the centre the following week. We encourage families to come along to this event to help keep the community spirit alive within Kurilpa, it is a great time to catch up with families and educators and to put names to faces and meet and greet current and new families. Please bring along a plate of food to share.