  • Kurilpa Community Childcare Centre Inc
  • 07 3844 4672 //

    Kurilpa offers a Qld Gov Kindergarten approved program
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Garden and Worm Farm

Veranda Garden and Worm Farm 1

This month we have been revamping our Junior Kindy veranda garden and worm farm! With some new natives and herbs, Nikki and some Junior Kindy children set to work adding soil, making holes, planting then adding mulch to keep the moisture in. In our interactive native garden we added a variety of hardy natives. What an eager group of gardeners! We are already excited about cultivating our produce and adding them into our cooking experiences.

Each day after morning tea, we make sure any of our fruit scraps are added to the worm farm and talk about how the worm juice will help our herbs grow. Part of our philosophy here at Kurilpa is to create opportunities to embed sustainable practises into everyday routines.